Claudia Beck
05 Feb

One of the biggest challenges we face in life is making lasting change. Whether we want to lose weight, be less reactive, or simply get more exercise, changing our habits can be extremely difficult. 

So why do we fail?

One of the main reasons is that we don’t have a good plan in place. Habits are powerful because they are automatic — we don’t have to think about them, we just do them. This means that if we want to change a habit, we need to be very intentional about it. We need to have a plan for what we’re going to do differently, and that plan needs to be specific and realistic. Without a good plan, it’s all too easy to fall back into our old habits and routines.Another reason we fail to change is because we don’t have enough structure in our lives. Change is hard enough on its own, but when our lives are chaotic and uncertain, it can be even harder. Having a routine and some structure can make it easier to stick with new habits because there’s less opportunity for things to go off the rails. When everything feels up in the air, it’s much easier to rationalize skipping a workout or eating something unhealthy. 

The 6 steps to create lasting change:

1. Desire:

What do you want to change and why? Be very clear and visualize yourself in the new habit or routine.

2. Good Company:

Surround yourself with people who are already doing what you want to achieve.

3. Will Power: 

Willpower is like a muscle. Your willpower may be fatigued in the short term, it can be strengthened over time – just like your muscles when you exercise. Learn to enjoy that feeling to alternate your will. Great minds are full of "No's". 

4. Make-a-Plan:

Schedule your goals on your calendar at the beginning of each week. Invite a friend so you’ll be more likely to keep that commitment. Come up with mental tricks that remind you of the behavior you want to achieve. 

5. Mindfulness:

Create a mindfulness practice that works for you. Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. This can be meditation, keeping a journal, going on a walk, biking, hiking etc. 

6. Perseverance: 

Perseverance is continuing to do something in spite of obstacles or difficulties. It is one of the best qualities to have because with perseverance success in your endeavours is almost guaranteed. To persevere we need to have faith that we actually can succeed. 

An Invitation to Create Real Change

Our invitation is to create change in our life by developing habits and routines that support our goals. This may mean getting up early to exercise, packing our lunch the night before work, or taking some time each evening to relax and wind down. Whatever it is, having a structure in place will make it much easier to stick to your goals.

If you want to get good at something, you need to practice doing it over and over again. To be specific, it takes 300 repetitions to develop a bodily memory of a skill, 3,000 repetitions to fully embody it and 10,000 repetitions to mastery. Therefore, start practicing right now. Additionally, try to surround yourself with people who support your efforts and who you can rely on for motivation and encouragement. 

Change can be difficult, but it is necessary in order to create a happy and more fulfilling life. Remember, change is an opportunity for growth and transformation. Embrace the change and see what amazing things happen as a result.

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